
What is “E-School of astronomy”?

Welcome to the web-pages of the project “E-School of Astronomy”

What is the “E-School of Astronomy”?

The E-school of astronomy use Internet technology in teaching astronomy. The project is based on active inerection of school students with the scientists from universities and/or institutes through the Internet facilities (E-mail, Web pages, on line text an courses, further links).

What is the main purpose of the project?

The main purposes of the project are an active interaction between ambitious and/or gifted students and their school professors, on the one hand, with the scientists on the other hand, through the Internet facilities, and to train professors and students how to use PC facilities in specific problems in science and in teaching.

Why “E-School of Astronomy”?

The “E-School of Astronomy” makes possible individual work with school students in the field of astronomy, and in general encourages and stimulates the students for further carriers in their university education and science carriers.

For school professors their involvement in project provides permanent professional education.

Who “stands” behind this project?

The “E-School of astronomy” is educational project of the Zagreb Astronomical Observatory, Opatička 22, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia. “E-school project” for natural sciences started in 1996 when author of the project Prof. Krunoslav Pisk initialized establishment of e-school section as the part of non-governmental organisation Croatian Natural Science Society.

What we can find on the Web-page of the E-School of Astronomy and how we can used it?

Home page of astronomy branches out into eight links. Write to Scientist provides a direct communication by e-mail between users and scientists – experts in a particular field of astronomy. Users can send questions to scientist, get a help in designing and realization of its own project or get additional instructions about some of the proposed mini-projects that can be found under the link Exercises. The answer to a user’s question can be given in a simple textual form or can have a multimedia treatment. In some cases the answer can address to other web pages. Recently, the students preparing to become primary and high school teachers also participated in the E-School project of astronomy. They used some of the offered mini-project for their graduate theses, or they appeared as authors of mini-projects and exercises.

Exercises contain practical exercises or mini-projects which are itemized according to the subject, and marked according to the method. Mini-projects embrace construction of simple instruments and equipment, practical observations, simulated exercises based on observation made by amateur or professional observatories, as well as theoretical exercises. They are presented in an independent form including introduction, instructions and explanations. All realizations are also saved and can be reached through an additional link. The realization can be presented in the form of scientific paper or in the simple descriptive form containing main results. Some of mini-projects are linked interactively.

Because astronomy is not a regular subject in our schools, the home page provides a link Basics of Astronomy directing to a text containing fundamentals of astronomy and astrophysics. The aim of this “on-line-book” is to give a basic knowledge in the field of astronomy and astrophysics. The text contains also questions and problems that help learning, and are stimulating users to design their own mini-projects. Fundamentals of Astronomy and Exercises are linked interactively.

Info for school teachers contains three units: Astro presentations, Learning together and Teaching astronomy. This link can also be used for evidencing schoolteachers who are active in these programs and for monitoring talented pupils. In future we expect to realize video-conferences through the Internet. For example scientists will be possible to hold lectures for users of E-School project.